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  1. I run an IT Services company in the North of Australia. We have sponsored several IT Engineers and Technicians with great success over the last 10 years. Most people make the mistake of thinking they have to go to Sydney or Melbourne to get IT work, the opposite is true, as unless you have very specialist skills (and they are in demand at the time) you will find it very difficult to get IT work there as there are many many other people also seeking those same jobs, and who probably don't need sponsorship which is an expensive, time consuming and difficult process. Feel free to PM me your Resume/CV and a covering email detailing more about yourself if you would like to be considered.
  2. I can introduce you to quite a few IT Recruiters , inc Some that specialise in SAP or related database areas. I'm happy to introduce people to others in my large IT and ICT related Network is many contacts in the UK and Australia, including Recruiters , Recruitment Agencies , IT Employers and Industry employers and resources for people seeking IT related roles and jobs in the Northern Territory, Darwin and across Australia
  3. Yes coneeded, for Finance and Stock Market Trading Technology, Sydney, a bit like London is the Financial Capital, your correct if thats your IT Specialisation thats where you need to be. However thats only a small portion of the overall IT Industry and for entry level (that won't apply for skilled migrants anyway), mid level and higher levels, staff are needed all over Australia for that, they are too in Melb/Sydney/Perth/Bris, BUT these capital cities currently don't have a shortage of skilled IT staff and people unless they have something VERY special to offer, will find it harder to get work in those cities.
  4. I'm not sure why people here seem to think that Melbourne, Sydney are the places to get IT work, these are the HARDEST Markets to find work in, yes there are more jobs adverstised, BUT there are also a LOT more applicants and a lot more local candidates that your are up against. The regional area's are were most opportunities are, for example I've got a couple of job vacancies for IT Technicans and a Sales & Marketing Role that I would be interested in receiving applications from and I do sponsor several staff at the moment (you MUST have excellent English skills though). See: I often have IT roles, so if you have great customer facing IT skills, Server & Networking Experience, then please apply to me at ***email removed per forum rules*** PS. Also don't forget that a lot of jobs don't get advertised, and also that MOST Jobs do NOT go through Agencies, so whilst yes, by all means list with an agency, you will get best results from approaching employers and also responding to jobs advertised directly.
  5. It comes down to 3 very simple things: - Unless you are at the top of pack in terms of skill, experience & qualifications, you WON'T be competitive in Melb/Sydney/Bris/Canberra/Perth. There are jobs are in the regional areas, the market is saturated in the big cities (except there is a need for more taxi drivers). - Good English, Good Communication skills are ESSENTIAL for work in Australia, unfortunately many people from Non English Speaking backgrounds (and even quite a few with English speaking backgrounds) don't have this, without this fundamental skill, it will make getting a skilled job in IT very difficult. - IT skills needed in Australia are broader (ie less specialised and you need to be able to do more than one small part of IT) than they seem to be in some other parts of the world, you need to be flexibile and skilled in a range of IT. I still have open positions and am recruiting, BUT you MUST have good communication & customer facing skills, aswell as IT skills. Send me your resume if you think you have got what it takes, see http://www.ategra.com.au/contact-us/news-blog/434-ategra-now-hiring in the regions we simply can't get the staff needed!
  6. Ooopps, that’s embarrassing, especially when in the same line as my statement (including extremely good English skills) ). Still the intention is clear & I will put "must improve my English" on my todo list. Yes it should be If you are interested in working in Northern Australia and have SME IT Field Support experience (inc Servers) and excellent customer service skills (including extremely good English), then feel free to get in touch. But ahh I am probably misusing comma's and brackets too. Still the bottom line is if your a great IT Tech and looking for a job, PM me.
  7. Yes Australia currently has a lot more oportunities for IT skills than the UK & Ireland. I am looking to sponsor & employ on 457 visa's some highly skilled Microsoft Cerftified Field engineers, mainly in SME Support (a lot more varied and skilled work in many respects than Enterprise level). If your interested in working in Northern Australia and have SME IT Field Support experience (inc Servers) and excellent customer service skills (including extremely good english) then feel free to get in touch. Also the market for jobs is highly competitive. What you need is excellent IT Skills and MOST importantly great English & communication skills. Also most people make the mistake of thinking they need to go to the big cities. They are the hardest places for IT Candidates new to Australia to get work (except perhaps Taxi Driving work:)). Head to a Regional area like here in Darwin, but there are many other options too. See http://www.theterritory.com.au for example. Make sure you have a good resume (without errors) and get it out there, also remember that most jobs are not just through recruitment agencies but directly with employers, so check out the Job ads from a whole range of sources, you have to be proactive, if you just rely on a recruiter or wait for it to come to you - It WON'T.
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